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300MHz Oscilloscope, 2 channels

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sku / item#: 07850

Key Features
  • Multiple Language User Interface
  • Support Multilingual online help system
  • Rich Screen display styles
  • Auto measure thirty two parameters
  • Unique Digital Filter function
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MODEL 07850
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Product Overview:

The CFL digital oscilloscope provides up to four channels with an external trigger input channel and bandwidths up to 300 MHz. With a set of separate vertical controls for each input channel, you don’t need to worry about accidentally modifying the wrong trace. This means that there will be no more switching between channels as found in other 2 and 4 channel oscilloscopes. With the ability to display reference waveforms and waveform Intensity in real-time, it is comforting to know that the device has not only a deep internal Storage, but also an interactive recall function that can retrieve and export waveforms to a USB flash driver. This is made possible by an outstanding ability of the CFL digital storage oscilloscope to measure up to 32 auto measurements. These include, Vpp, Vmax, Vmin, Vamp, Vtop, Vbase, Vavg, Mean,Crms, Vrms, ROVShoot, FOVShoot, RPREShoot, FPREShoot, Rise time, Fall time, Freq, Period,+ Wid,-Wid, +Dut, -Dut, BWid, Phase, FRR, FRF, FFR, FFF, LRR, LRF, LFR and LFF. Finally, the powerful triggering and analysis capabilities make it easy to capture and analyze waveforms, greatly improving the test efficiency. Review of Key specifications Some of the standard accessories include a 1:1/10:1 probe whose attenuation factor is set at 1X,5X,10X,50X,100X ,500X and 1000X. Also, to ensure high signal fidelity during probing, the channel to channel isolation in V/div setting is varied which is why it ranges from >100:1 at 35MHz (SDS1074CFL, SDS1072CFL up to >100:1 at 150MHz (SDS1304CFL, SDS1302CFL.) Indeed, this fidelity to accuracy is equally replicated in the device’s ability to amplify a weak signal which is why the millivolts (mV) per division of 2mV/div -5V/div vertical sensitivity is guaranteed to provide more accurate and comprehensive measurements.

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